Arcus API Documentation

Integrate native Bitcoin lending pools into your platform with our enterprise-grade API

Coming Soon

Multi-Signature Security

Enterprise-grade security with configurable M-of-N multi-signature custody and comprehensive insurance coverage.

Easy Integration

Comprehensive SDKs and detailed documentation for seamless integration with your existing infrastructure.

Real-Time Operations

High-performance API with real-time position monitoring and automated risk management.

// Initialize Arcus L1 Lending Pool
const arcusPool = new ArcusProtocol({
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  environment: 'testnet', // or 'mainnet'
  multisigConfig: {
    requiredSigners: 2,
    totalSigners: 3

// Provide Liquidity to Lending Pool
const liquidityTransaction = await arcusPool.provideLiquidity({
  pool: 'BTC', // or 'USDC', 'USDT'
  amount: '0.5', // Amount to deposit
  address: 'user_btc_address', // Your BTC wallet address

// Request a Loan
const loanRequest = await arcusPool.requestLoan({
  collateral: 'BTC', // Collateral type
  collateralAmount: '1.0', // Collateral amount in BTC
  borrowAsset: 'USDC', // Loan type: 'USDC' or 'BTC'
  borrowAmount: '5000', // Loan amount
  duration: '30d' // Loan term duration

// Risk Alert Monitoring
arcusPool.on('risk.alert', (alert) => {
  console.log('Risk Alert Received:', alert.loanId);
  console.log('Arcus Credit Score:', alert.currentCreditScore);
  console.log('Liquidation Risk Level:', alert.liquidationRisk);

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